Miloš Švaňa

ai, python, software engineering, decision-making and more

Data analysis

Here you’ll find Jupyter Notebooks analyzing data I found interesting.

University rankings and GDP

I first answer some basic questions like what are the countries and continents with the best universities. Then create a simple regression model predicting GDP per capita from average university rankings and innovation index.

I use a version of this model to identify “heavy hitters” and countries with “untapped potential”. Heavy hitters are countries whose GDP per capita is higher than predicted from their university ranking and innovation index. Countries with untapped potential are those whose GDP per capita is lower than their university ranking and innovation index would suggest.

If I look at countries in my region, I see that Austria, Czechia, and Slovakia are all heavy hitters. Poland and Hungary have untapped potential.

The notebook also demonstrates how to you can combine multiple datasets to discover interesting insights.